Publications of Piotr Pieranski

International journals

N. Pislewski, T. Kulek and P.  Pieranski,
Measurement of T1 relaxation time in 1,2-dichloroethane dissolved in carbon tetrachloride.
Acta Phys. Polon.,  A41, 121 (1972).

Pawel Pieranski, E. Guyon, P. Keller, L. Liebert, W. Kuczynski and P.  Pieranski,
Optical study of a chiral smectic C under shear.
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.,  38, 275 (1975).

J. Malecki and P.  Pieranski,
Thomson model of ion conduction in liquid dielectrics.  I.   Steady state
Acta Phys. Polon. , A50, 581 (1976).

P. Pieranski and J. Malecki,
Thomson model of ion conduction inliquid dielectrics .  II.  Transient states.
Acta Phys. Polon. , A50, 587 (1976).

W. Kuczynski, P.  Pieranski, K. Wojciechowski and B. Stryla,
Methods of optical birefringence determination in liquid crystals  from interference measurements.
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.,  34, 203(1977).

P. Pieranski, J. Malecki, W. Kuczynski and K. Wojciechowski,
A hard-disc system.  An experimental model.
Phil. Mag.,  37, 107 (1978).

P. Pieranski and J. L. Finney,
A hard-disc system.  Structures of a close packed thin layer.
Acta Cryst.,  A35, 194 (1979).

P. Pieranski, J. Malecki and K. Wojciechowski,
A hard-disc system.  Solid-solid phase transition  in a thin layer.
Mol. Phys.,  40, 225 (1980).

K. W. Wojciechowski, P.  Pieranski, J. Malecki and P. Barnes,
A hard-disc system; An Ising-like behaviour in a thin layer.
Mol. Phys.,  42, 435 (1981).

K. W. Wojciechowski, P.  Pieranski and J. Malecki,
A hard disc system in a narrow box. .  I.  Thermodynamic properties.
J. Chem. Phys.,  76, 6170 (1982).

A. C. Branka,  P.  Pieranski and K. Wojciechowski,
Rotatory phase in a system of hard cyclic hexamers. An experimental modelling study.
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 43, 817 (1982).

W. Wojciechowski, P.  Pieranski and J. Malecki,
A hard disc system in a narrow box. .  II.  An instability.
J. Phys.,  A 16, 2197 (1983).

P. Pieranski
Jumping particle model.  Period doubling cascade in an experimental system.
J. Phys. (Paris), 44, 573 (1983).

P. Pieranski,
An experimental model of a classical many body system.
Am. J. Phys.,  53, 68 (1984).

B. Pansu, P. Pieranski and Pawel Pieranski,
Structures of thin layers of hard spheres.  High pressure limit.
J. Phys. (Paris), 45, 331 (1984).

A. Bonissent, P.  Pieranski and Pawel Pieranski,
Solid-solid phase transitions in a low dimensionality  system.
Phil. Mag.,  50, 57 (1984).

P. Pieranski, Z. Kowalik and M. Franaszek,
Jumping particle model.  A study of the phase space of a nonlinear dynamical system below its transition to chaos.
J. Phys. (Paris), 46, 681 (1985).

P. Pieranski and R. Bartolino,
Jumping particle model.  Modulation modes and resonant response to a periodic perturbaton.
J. Phys. (Paris), 46, 687 (1985).

M. Franaszek and P.  Pieranski,
Jumping particle model.  Critical slowing down near the bifurcation points.
Can. J. Phys.  63, 488 (1985).

P. Pieranski and J. Malecki,
Noisy precursors and resonant properties of the period, doubling modes in a nonlinear dynamical system.
Phys. Rev.  A34, 582 (1986).

P. Pieranski and J. Malecki,
Noise-sensitive hysteresis loops around period-doubling bifurcation points.
Nuovo Cim.  9, 757 (1987).

P. Pieranski,
Direct evidence for the suppression of period doubling ,  in the bouncing ball model.
Phys. Rev.  A37, 1782 (1988).

Z. Kowalik, M. Franaszek and P.  Pieranski,
Self-reanimating chaos in the bouncing-ball system.
Phys. Rev.  A37, 4016 (1988).

G. Helgesen, P. Pieranski and A. Skjeltorp,
Nonlinear phenomena in systems of magnetic holes,
Phys. Rev.  Letters, 64, 1425 (1990).

G. Helgesen, P. Pieranski and A. Skjeltorp
Dynamic behaviour of simple magnetic holes systems,
Phys. Rev.  A41, 7271 (1990).

F. Rothen, P.  Pieranski, N.  Rivier and A.  Joyet
Cristaux conformes
Eur.  J.  Phys.  14, 227 (1993)

N. Rivier, P. Pieranski and F. Rothen,
Conformal crystals and their defects,
Proceedings of the conference ‘Aperiodic 94’, eds. Chapuis & Paciorek

P. Pieranski, R.  Barberi and J.  Klos
Invariant measures with quasicrystalline symmetry generated by iterated function systems
Mol.  Phys.  Rep., 10, 92 (1995)

A. C. Branka, P. Pieranski, K. W. Wojciechowski
Confined planar mesoscopic suspensions in external field: Brownian Dynamics simulation
Chem. Phys., 204, 51 (1996)

F. Rothen, P.  Pieranski
Mechanical equilibrium of conformal crystals
Phys.  Rev., E 53, 2828 (1996).

P. Pieranski, G. Helgesen, S. Clausen and A. Skjeltorp,
Braids plaited by magnetic holes,
Phys. Rev. Letters, 77, 1620 (1996).

V. Katritch, W.K. Olson, P. Pieranski, J. Dubochet and A. Stasiak
Properties of ideal composite knots
Nature 388, 148 (1997).

A. Vologodskii, N. J. Crisona, B. Laurie, P. Pieranski, V. Katritch, J. Dubochet, and A. Stasiak,
Sedimentation and electrophoretic migration of knots and catenanes
J. Mol. Biol., 278, 1 (1998).

P. Pieranski
In search of ideal knots
Comput. Meth. Sci. Tech., 4, 1 (1998)

S. Przybyl and P. Pieranski
Helical close packings of ideal ropes
Eur. Phys. J. E 4, 445 (2001).

P. Pieranski, S. Kasas, G. Dietler, J. Dubochet and P. Pieranski
Localization of breakage points in knotted strings
New J. Phys. 3, 10.1 (2001).

P. Pieranski and S. Przybyl
Ideal trefoil knot
Phys. Rev. E 64, 031801 (2001)

P. Pieranski and S. Przybyl,
Quasi-quantization of writhe in ideal knots
Eur. Phys. J. E 6,117 (2001)

P. Pieranski, S. Przybyl and A. Stasiak
Tight open knots
Eur. Phys. J. E 6, 123 (2001) 

P. Pieranski and K. W. Wojciechowski
On non-measurable sets and invariant tori
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 13,1093 (2002)

P. Pieranski, J. Baranska and A. Skjeltorp
Tendril perversion – a physical implication of the topological conservation law
Eur. J. Phys. 25, 613 (2004)

J. Baranska, P. Pieranski, S. Przybyl and E.J. Radon
Length of the tightest trefoil knot
Phys.Rev. E 70, 051810 (2004)

Chapters in scientific monographs

A. Stasiak, J. Dubochet, V. Katritch and P. Pieranski
Ideal knots and their relation to the physics of real knots
in  „Ideal knots”, eds. A. Stasiak, V. Katritch and L. H. Kauffman, World Scientific 1998.

P. Pieranski
In search of ideal knots
in  „Ideal knots”, eds. A. Stasiak, V. Katritch and L. H. Kauffman, World Scientific 1998.


Piotr Pieranski
FRAKTALE: od geometrii do sztuki
Osrodek Wydawnictw Naukowych
Poznan 1992
ISBN 83-85481-10-9

Published conference talks

Gravity's rainbow. Structure of a 2D crystal grown in a strong gravitational field.,
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Geilo, 1989.

Fractal Geometry,
Proceedings of the RAMIS Conference, Kiekrz 1991.

N. Rivier, P. Pieranski and F. Rothen,
Conformal crystals and their defects,
Proceedings of the conference ‘Aperiodic 94’, Les Diablerets, 17-21, September 1994.

P. Pieranski, A. Skjeltorp and R. Barberi,
Dynamics of magnetic holes in a rotating field
Proceedings of the School of Computational Physics,
Kraków, 21-23 February, 1994.

P. Pieranski
Models of nonlinear dynamics. The silent juggler modes of the bouncing ball model.
8-th Joint Eurpean Physical Society ? American Physical Society International Conference on Physics Computing, 17-21 wrzesien 1996, Kraków.

A. S. Skjeltorp, S. Clausen, G. Helgesen and P. Pieranski
Knots and applications to biology, chemistry and physics
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Institute on Physics of Biomaterials: Fluctuations, Selfassambly and Evolution, Geilo, Norway 27 March – 6 April 1995, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.

Piotr Pieranski and S. Przybyl, Ideal trefoil knot,  2001 Spring Western Section Meeting Las Vegas, NV, April 21-22, 2001 „Physical Knotting and Unknotting” session.

G. Dietler, Piotr Pieranski, S. Kasas,  J. Dubochet and  A. Stasiak, Localization of breakage points in knotted strings,  2001 Spring Western Section Meeting Las Vegas, NV, April 21-22, 2001 „Physical Knotting and Unknotting” sessions.

Polish  journals

P. Pieranski, K.Wojciechowski, A.Branka  and M.Godlewska,
Metoda symulacji mechanicznej w badaniu klasycznych ukladów wielu cial.,
Postepy Fizyki, 38, 757 (1988).

P. Pieranski and R. Barberi,
FOE-graficzny edytor obiektów fraktalnych
ProDialog, 2, 1 (1994).

P. Pieranski
Poszukiwanie wezlów idealnych
Pro Dialog, 5, 111 (1996).

J. Buskiewicz, P. Pieranski
Poszukiwanie wezlów idealnych II. Algorytm wyznaczania wielomianów Alexandra w jezyku Maple V.4.
Pro Dialog, 6, 77 (1998).

S. Przybyl, P. Pieranski
Poszukiwanie wezlów idealnych III. Zastosowanie Maple V.4 do problemu ciasnego skrecenia lin.
Pro Dialog, 6, 87 (1998)

W. Tomaszewski i P. Pieranski
Fizyka strzalu z bicza
Postepy Fizyki, 55,10 (2004)

Pop-science journals (international and Polish)

P.Pieranski and A. T. Skjeltorp
Les tresses tisees par des trous magnetiques,
Dossier Pour La Science 15, 87 (1997)

P. Pieranski and A. Stasiak
Un noeud … pewu gordien
Pour la Science, No. spécial „Les infinis”, Décember 2000.

P. Pieranski and A. Stasiak
Nie-wezly gordyjskie
Swiat nauki 2, 6 (2001)

P. Pieranski
Zawieszeni na makaronie
Wiedza i Zycie, November (2001). 

P. Pieranski
Zapetlone zwierze
Wiedza i Zycie,  May (2002)

P. Pieranski
Fizyka strzału z bicza
Wiedza i Zycie, September (2003)

P. Pieranski
Smiercionosne babelki
Wiedza i Zycie,  December (2003)